Osaka mural is finished!
If you want to find it, the nearest station is Dome-Mae Chiyozaki station on the Nagahori Tsurumi Ryokuchi subway line. Find the river and walk north, the mural is on the east side of the river, so the best way to see it is on the west side, but you need to stand on a flowerbed for a good view. (the riverside is in the process of being redeveloped, so soon there will be a lovely new pedestrianised walkway to see my painting). You can also see other paintings by Chinese, American and Japanese artists.
The painting is about a girl who is a mountain. Her hair is a river.
the whole thing (15m x 2m) … |
It took 11 days. I spent about 50 hours there. I had my lovely assistant Akiko for about 35 hours and Hiroshi, Yuko, Darlene and Azzy helped too. Kaori helped with my application, and Yuka helped with everything. THANK YOU HELPERS! I couldn’t have done it without you.
Maybe you can see more pictures on my
flickr. (
Painting this mural was really incredibly fun. I want to paint more. I want to paint more big things.
If anyone wants a cheap or free mural, just
ask. You only need to pay for my paint. x
タグ: mural