
thailand leaves. always autumn

Leaf likers should try Thailand. Or if that’s a bit far, Kew Gardens.
In Thailand jungle I noticed that as there isnt an autumn season leaves and plants are always dying. so you have birth and death ever present. coming from somewhere with more distinct seasons, i found it a bit tiring. or, how do you know the shape of the year? it means the season changes are more subtle? wet or dry. but if you visit just for a short time you can get the general idea, and see the plants in all stages of their lives. I enjoyed the skeleton leaves. great big skeleton leaves that look like massive fishbones. and tiny fragile ones. but i havent drawn those yet.


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sally hancox

I am an artist, illustrator, weaver and workshop facilitator currently living and working in London, UK.

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July Calender – Junichi’s Neon Horses
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